Discuss Boehm's staffing principles.


The following are the five staffing principles given by Boehm for staffing a software project:

  1. The Principle of Top Talent: Use better and fewer people. The quality of the people is important. It is better to use less number of people with more skills.
  2. The Principle of Job Matching: Fit the tasks to the skills and motivation of the people available. The skill sets of people are different. The best programmer may not be suitable as an architect or a manager. Similarly, an architect or manager is not suitable as a programmer. Moreover, they should be motivated to do their jobs.
  3. The Principle of Career Progression: An organization does best in the long run by helping its people to self-actualize.Organizational training programs having educational value and project training programs are helpful for the individuals to develop their career.
  4. The Principle of Team Balance: Select people who will complement and harmonize with one another. The psychology of the team members will balance the team. They should be friendly and quickly mingle with their co-members of the team.
  5. The Principle of Phase out: Keeping a misfit on the team doesn't benefit anyone. A misfit gives the reason to find a better person or to live with fewer people. A misfit demotivates other team members, will not self-actualize and destroys the team balance.
Of the five principles, team balance, and job matching are the primary objectives. The top talent and phase out principles are the secondary objectives as they are applied to the context of team balance.