Difference between LL Parser vs LR Parser. LL Parser vs LR Parser


LL Parser LR Parser
It is also known as top-down parsing. It is also known as bottom-up parsing.
First L of LL is for left to right (i.e, input is processed in the order it is read) and second L for leftmost derivation. L-Left to right (i.e, input is processed in the order it is read) and R - Rightmost derivation
LL starts with only the root non-terminal on the stack. LR ends with only the root non-terminal on stack.
LL ends when the stack is empty. LR starts with an empty stack.
LL expands non-terminal. LR reduces non-terminal.
LL reads terminal when its pop one of the stack. LR reads terminal when it pushes them on the stack.
LL uses pre-order traversal of the parse tree. LR uses post-order traversal of the parse tree.
During LL parser the parser continuosly chooses between two action.
Predict: Based on the leftmost non-terminal and some number of lookahead tokens.
Match: Match the leftmost guessed terminal symbol with the leftmost unconsumed symbol of input.
During an LR parser the parser continuosly chooses between two action.
Shift: Add the next token of input to a buffer for consideration.
Reduce: Reduce a collection of terminals and non-terminals.
LL parser are easier to write but less powerful and comes in many flavours like LL(1), etc. LR parsers are much powerful and they come in many flavours like LR(0), SLR(1), LALR(1), LR(1), etc.