- DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) helps to assign IP addresses to clients in a distributed manner. It is centrally configured server who specifies a range of IPs to be allotted to connected clients on request. It cannot assign IP to any Ethernet aliases if exists.
- Following are the steps to configure DHCP Server
- Verify the software package is installed on your system as follow: $ ps ax | grep dhcp
- If not already installed, then install on your system as follow: $ sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server
- There are two main files that are probably need to change /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf and /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server to specify the interfaces dhcp should listen to.
- Open the configuration file of dhcp in editor, i.e. /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf And perform the following:
- Edit the line 'option domain-name' and write your domain name: option domain-name "example.com"
- Edit the line 'option domain-name-servers' and write the name of your name server as shown below, for eg the name is tyit.example.com option domain-name-servers tyit.example.com;
- Edit the line subnet to provide your subnet and netmask inormation as shown below: subnet netmask
- Specify the range in which IPs are to be assigned to DHCP clients on request as shown below: range;
- Restart the service of dhcp, as shown below $ sudo service isc-dhcp-server restart
- Enable dhcp on boot, as shown below $ chkconfig dhcpd on
- As the server is configured, verify the setup on the client system.
Explain how to configure DHCP Server.
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