Hello friends! As we know Internet is very important to all of us, we all use it, and to make a truly digital India this is one of the essential thing, but in this TRAI has banned some offers which is not correct. So I request you guys to sign the petition given below so that our voice can move forward. I hope you like this post. #InternetForAll
About Vipul Singh
Editor-in-Chief and Owner of TechBlogMU. Computer Engineer, Data Science Enthusiast and Tech Blogger. Catch him on Facebook and Twitter
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- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- ASP.NET with C#
- Big Data Analytics
- Computer Networks
- Cryptography and System Security
- Data Structures
- Data Warehouse and Mining
- Database Management System
- Digital Signal Processing
- Human Machine Interaction
- Machine Learning
- Microprocessor
- Object Oriented Programming Methodolgy (OOPM)
- Operating System
- Parallel and Distributed Database
- Software Architecture (SA)
- Statistics
- Structured and Object Oriented Analysis and Design (SOOAD)
- System Programming and Compiler Construction (SPCC)
- Theory of Computation