Mumbai University towards Digitalization


 From April 2017 onwards, MU may go digital with all assessments. MU may introduce an on-screen assessment system for  all answer booklets from the current semester itself. Three companies have already bid to install the system.Under the on-screen assessment, answer sheets will be scanned and made accessible to examiners and moderators. The papers will be corrected online, thus avoiding the possibility of answer booklets being tampered with after they’ve been submitted. In a meeting on Monday, it was decided that the first round of workshops to train teachers for on-screen assessment will begin soon after the agency is picked based on the bids received. “Workshops will be held in certain colleges.These people will then train other teachers from various colleges. It’s a huge task ahead but we plan to implement the process fromthis semester itself,” said an official, who is part of the committee working towards the implementation of this process. Earlier this year, vice-chancellor Sanjay Deshmukh had announced that Mumbai University would go digital when it comes to assessment of all exams from April 2017, with the aim of cutting down malpractices. As of now, only the engineering faculty papers are checked via the on-screen process and by extending the format to all faculties, MU is looking at scanning and assessing more than 19.5 lakh answer booklets this April.
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